
How often?

Once a year.

Do I need a recommendation?

No, you can just go there to make an appointment or call beforehand.

How long does it take?

About 30 minutes.

What will happen during the exam?

The pediatrician should know all about your children's health care. He should know about all specialists they go to, to coordinate their health care accordingly. Sometimes, pediatricians don't know anything about therapy their patients are receiving from other professionals and they might mistakenly recommend them a similar medication with a different name. 

The pediatrician will take your children's blood samples (more information below), which will reveal any anomalies in cholesterol or sugar levels (glycemia) and other important information. He will also take a sample of their urine.

During the check-up, you will talk about your children's health condition and the doctor will examine their body (visually, by touch, heartbeat, etc.). He will check their height and weight and their overall development. The doctor will then tell your children something about healthy diet and evaluates their psychomotor development.

 Specific points of interest and examinations according to different age are:

  • Sight, hearing, speech, color vision deficiency, voice, teeth, laterality 
  • Cholesterol, urine, genitalia examination
  • Hygiene habits, color recognition, bedwetting
  • Musculoskeletal system, skin, lymph nodes, thyroid, blood pressure
  • Sex education, protected sexual intercourse, HPV vaccination, menstruation cycle

If your children experience problems with sight, the doctor will examine them and send them to an ophthalmologist. If they need glasses, you should go to an optometrist once a year to check their sight regularly.
If your children have problems with prostate, testicles or urinary system, the doctor will examine them and send them to a urologist.
If your children have skin problems, the doctor will send them to a dermatologist.

Blood sample information: 

Cholesterol (overall, LDL, HDL) and triacylglycerols (TAG) – during your first visit and then after you turn 30, 40, 50 and 60.

Glycemia (blood sugar level) – during your first visit, after you turn 30, 40 and then every 2 years.

Proper function of your kidneys (creatinine and glomerular filtration) if you have diabetes, high blood pressure or any cardiovascular disease. This examination is done after you turn 50 and then every 4 years.

Following tests are made only if you experience certain problems: liver function tests (ALT, AST, GGT), uric acid test, creatinine, bilirubin, FW, complete blood count, white blood cell count, urine…

Another tests can be made if the doctor thinks it might be relevant for the patient: liver function tests, kidney function test, minerals, sedimentation, complete blood count, oncomarkers (for example PSA for prostate cancer).

Up to 18 months

You should take your child to a pediatrician in these time intervals: 2 and 6 weeks, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 18 months.

3-year check-up

The pediatrician will check your child's hearing, sight, speech, laterality, color perception, urine and genitalia.

5-year check-up

The pediatrician will check your child's perception of colors, hygiene habits and bedwetting. He will also check his/her cholesterol levels.

7, 9, 11 and 13-year check-up

The pediatrician will plan appropriate vaccinations. He will check your child's musculoskeletal system, skin, lymph nodes, thyroid and sexual characteristics. He will also check his/her urine, blood pressure, sight, color perception, hearing, speech, teeth and cholesterol levels.

15 and 17-year check-up

The pediatrician will ask for any changes in your family. He will examine your urine, sight, hearing, speech and teeth. He will check your blood pressure and tell you something about sexuality. He might also recommend girls to visit a gynecologist for the first time.

19-year check-up

You should switch to a general practitioner when you turn 19. The pediatrician will handle all your medical records to the GP.