Prevention menu

In Loono, we believe prevention can be fun. You will learn how to take care of your health, boobs, balls, brain or heart and where to go for regular check-ups.

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What happens at the dentist? How often should you go there? Will it hurt? Let's look at these questions closely.



The pediatrician should know all about your children's health care. He should know about all specialists they go to, to coordinate their health care accordingly.



A regular gyneacology check-up should be common for every woman. What will happen there?

Heart attack and stroke

Heart attack and stroke

How to prevent cardiovascular diseases, how to recognize a heart attack or stroke, or what to do in such situations?

General practitioner

General practitioner

A GP is a manager of your health. He should know all about your medical tests and other doctors you go to. What will happen during the check-up?



Visit your ophthalmologist once a year - he will check your sight and determines, whether you need glasses or not.



You should visit your dermatologist once a year. He will check your birthmarks in order to prevent skin cancer.



After you turn 55, you can choose between a colonoscopy every 10 years or FOB test every 1 year.

FOB test

FOB test

Fecal Occult Blood (FOB) test can be done at home to check for any hidden bleeding in your stool, which is often a first symptom of colon cancer. How does it work?



You need a recommendation for your first urology appointment. What will happen there and will it hurt?



You will need a recommendation from your gynecologist for mammography screening. What will happen there?



Learn how to examine your partner and yourself and be able to detect any potential problem at an early stage.

Reproductive health

Reproductive health

How to prevent unpleasant problems such as sexually transmitted infections, infertility, incontinence or erectile dysfunctions?

Cancer prevention

Cancer prevention

Find out the most common symptoms of cancer and what to do if you experience them.

Mental Health

Mental Health

Healthy mind is an essential part of overal health. It needs the same amount of attention as your body. That’s why you should be #feelinggood. The mind can get ill just as easy as our breasts, balls, head or heart do.

HIV Prevention

HIV Prevention

HIV virus attacks the human immune system and weakens it. How to prevent it and what to do if you encounter it in yourself or in your surroundings?



Are you unfamiliar with terms like antigen, collective immunity or immune elicitation? Never mind! That’s why we’re here, to explain everything.