Educational sets for schools
Order our educational set for accessible medical topic education.
Educational sets are suitable for higher-grade pupils and high school students.
Sex education
Students will learn about the following:
- Reproductive system, its organs and functions
- Intimate hygiene principles
- Safe sex principles
- Menstruation and period products
- Premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction
- Birth control and its proper use
- Unsafe sex
- STDs prevention
- Preventive health check-ups
The set includes:
- Tools for proper condom use
- Samples of contraceptive tools (diaphragm, male and female condoms)
- Samples of menstrual tools (pads, tampons, cups, panties)
First aid
Students will learn about the following:
- Recognising a situation requiring first aid
- Recognising a critical condition
- Evaluating the situation
- Principles of communication with surrounding people and first responders
- Záchranka app
- CPR, clearing the airways and heart massage
- Stopping the bleeding
- Principles of first aid in a: car crash, burns, droning, epilepsy and unconsciousness
The set includes:
- CPR manikins
- Pressure bandages
- Bandages
- Sterile square media bottles
- Gloves
- Band-aid
- Scissors
- Tweezers
- Disinfectant
Healthy lifestyle
Díky edukačním materiálům se žáci dozví o:
- Healthy lifestyle principles
- Exercise
- Healthy diet
- Modern diets
- Eating disorders
- Sleep hygiene
- Anxiety disorder
- Resting
- Preventive health check-ups
- Vaccination
Educational sets includes
- Worksheets
- Quiz and discussion questions
- Educational presentations
- Educational videos
- Manual with information about methods and possible scenarios for lecturers
- Tools for practice
- Useful demonstrations