Save #boobsandballs

I was 22 when I was diagnosed with cancer.
I knew it. Thanks to medical studies, I knew something is not okay with my body. I was the lucky one, but thousands of people die of cancer only because they don't know the symptoms.
I listened to my body and it saved my life. Later, I decided to save some more.
I founded Loono, which focuses on prevention of serious diseases and more than 300 doctors and medical students joined me...
3 nationwide campaigns...

of cancer

Prevention of
heart attack and stroke

...helped to save 48 human lives

What have we achieved
(schools, companies, festivals)
newly educated individuals
years of existence
doctors and medical
students joined us
medical offices implemented our know-how
We had great plans for 2020...
...but COVID-19 kicked our balls
- Companies are canceling our workshops. These workshops make for 25 % of our income, which we later invest in free workshops for schools and community centers.
- Some of our partners had to end our cooperation due to the pandemic.
- Due to the pandemic, we have to return the money already acquired from grants.
- Sales on our charity e-shop, which pays for our administrative expenses, dropped.

However, we still managed to...
- ..create COVID-19 educational materials which are already used by a hundred of companies, hospitals, schools and pharmacies.
- ...transfer our workshops into webinars and livestreams.
- ...launched education about immunity and prevention of infections.
- companies, schools and other institutions to set safe environment rules.

We are actively dealing with the situation
- We are lowering our administrative expenses, including wages.
- We are allocating our remaining funds to fundraising and online education.
- We recruited volunteers to help us get through these hard times.
- We postponed our new branches in Slovakia and Ústí nad Labem.